Yes coach, we have some great news for you. As of today, all Rush coaches have received a free user to the Rush Coaching Manual (you should have received your credentials on your inbox), and all accounts have been upgraded to Premium.
What this means is that as of now you are not only able to access all of our Rush sessions and activities but you can also:
- Use the Folders feature to share sessions, activities, and documents among your staff or colleagues at the club.
- Access TCM’s Premium Content, in which you can find masterclasses and sessions from Rene Mulensteen, David Moyes, Aitor Karanka, and many others.
- Download every session in pdf format if desired.
- And most importantly use our Season Planner feature that allows you to get an automatic, fully Rush customized season plan for each of your teams, adapting these to your specific age group, training and match days. Once created from your computer, these can easily be accessed through your Coaching Manual mobile app.
Moreover, as a Director of Coaching or Technical Director, you can assign all of your coaches to their teams and create their season plans, so your coaches are simply in charge of downloading the app and following the season plan you have assigned to them for the period you consider optimal.
Please note that the Season Planner is currently organized as:
- U6-U13 Competitive.
- U6-U13+ Recreational.
This means that all age groups are covered for your recreational branch but be mindful that U14+ age groups of your competitive branch are not. These age groups will be completed by the end of 2021.
This Webinar guides all coaches and club directors on how to use all of these incredible features (use your login credentials to watch it).
If you have any questions you can contact Sporting Project Director, Pablo Toledo, at [email protected], to help you set up your club director account or assist you with any other questions.
Coach Rush Sessions and Rush Season Plans, the Rush Way.

“These are not just season plans. These are the product of years of work, in which we carefully planned every session and activity to fit the big picture and be a reflection of our club, our philosophies, style of play, and lead to the development of the future Rush player”.
Pablo Toledo, Rush Soccer’s Sporting Project Director.
If you would prefer a ‘written’ version, you can always download pdf versions of these curriculums HERE.
Alongside the also downloadable Player & Coach Handbooks, these guides provide all of the tools for your coaches to execute an entire season in full alignment with the Rush Way.
Great news and a lot more coming up in 2021, coach! These are only some of the exclusive benefits of being part of Rush Soccer.