Rush Players keep working hard and breaking their own records and the Leaderboards have new contendents!
“Keep training, no matter the rain, the snow, or the heat of the summer!”. Our Train @ Home slogan fits perfectly with the Juggling Club, since Rush Players kept working hard to improve themselves during February.
In this opportunity we present two new Juggling Records, which deserve to be highlighted! Lauren Owens, from SWVA Rush, and Brecken Allen, from Iowa Rush, sent their videos and took their Juggling abilities to the next level.
Lauren reached the amazing mark of 1242 Juggles/Keep Ups, and is now on the fifteenth position of our Elite Division Leaderboard. Watch her video below:
Brecken, who currently plays for the 2009 Boys Team, worked hard to reach his new record of 318 Juggles/Keep Ups, and is only one spot away from the Top 10 on our Royal Division Leaderboard! Watch his video below:
As Lauren and Brecken, you can also show the Rush Nation your skills. There’s no limit to a player’s ability, you need to believe in yourself and work hard! Send us your video and get featured on our Social Media!
More About The Juggling Club: Mallory Shows Her Skills & The Linski Brothers Broke Their Record!
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