This article was written by Sean Connors, Rush Soccer’s Global Goalkeeping Director.
Want to help improve your goalkeepers decision making? Put them in training situations that force them to make decisions over and over again!
When examining skill development, and skill acquisition, it is clear that context is needed for a player to truly understand the situation and to enhance their learning. The RUSH BLUE THREAD guides our Player Centered approach to development. In soccer, as in life, most things are not back or white, and common sense can’t be replaced. Exceptions aside, this will facilitate the goal of improving the technical ability of all Rush players and teach them how to utilize those skills in games.
All decisions, all actions, are based on the relationship between the player making the decision, the action, and everybody around the player, both opponents and teammates.
RANDOM vs BLOCK: Practice Methods
Block = Do over and over
Random: Read – Plan – Then Do, over and over
Random leads to long term skill retention and increases the players ability to apply their skills in games. Focusing solely on execution does not lead to mastery.
Teaching Skill Acquisition using the Random Method
The modern player demands to know/understand the 5 w’s in everything they do.
What -Where – Who -When – Why
The Goalkeeper coach must be able to replicate game-like situations in training to force the player to analyze the situation. It is not enough to simply get the players reps. In every opportunity the coach must force the Goalkeeper to “Read – Plan – Do.” Work to make sure players understand the entire scope of what they are doing, why they are doing it, and how they can be successful.
Try using the drill below to teach 1v1 situations.
Click Below and Check out Full Practice Video from TRCM
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