Chris P., Rush Soccer’s Developmental Director, hosted a fantastic Q&A with our club’s President and CEO Tim Schulz plus a Panel of experts on Leadership, including Rush Soccer’s Executive Director Nik Penn and Wisconsin Rush Technical Director Ben John.
There are thousands of books, webinars, stories, and articles that you can read about Leadership, and they are all valid and valuable, but a part of us wanted to be (just like we try to be on the field) as specific as possible to the environment that we observe every day. That’s why we wanted to get together some of the brightest minds on our network and ask them what they have learned about leading soccer organizations over the years and from a million battles. Ben John, Nik Penn, and Tim Schulz definitely fit in this mold.
You could tell how their leaderships approach were not necessarily the same, but definitely complementary.
We found in Tim a leader that would highlight a selfless pursuit of a mission as the cornerstone of his leadership and role.
“I don’t want people to follow me and I wouldn’t want to follow someone, because when he’s gone or quits there’s nothing left. Follow the mission, follow the vision, and work and lead for it, selflessly, for something that is bigger than yourself. When you do so, people follow” – Tim Schulz
Ben John expressed similar approach to lead, complemented with the courage make tough decisions and understanding that you might not be always liked by everybody for them.
Nik Penn’s leadership cornerstone didn’t oppose any of the aforementioned comments, but put an emphasis on serving others. Lead to serve.
This and much more in this very interesting webinar. Don’t miss it.
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