¡Estamos De Vuelta! Edición De Otoño Del Train @ Home: ¡Listos, Preparados, Ya!
agosto 23, 2021
¡A entrenar!
¡Preparados, listos, ya! ¡Comenzamos la edición de otoño del Programa Train @ Home HOY! Así es, prepárate para nuestro programa de seis semanas. Entrena el control de pelota, físico, entendimiento del juego, fortaleza mental, y habilidades como arquero. Hazte BETTER, FITTER, SMARTER, TOUGHER, y BRAVER!
Visita nuestro Programa Train @ Home cada semana, encuentra tu grupo de edad y completa las actividades semanales. Algunas tareas incluirán grabar un breve video tuyo entrenando. ¡Recuerda usar la indumentaria de Rush! Luego haz click en el botón debajo de las actividades que dice “Share your video”. Eso te llevará a una cuenta de WeTransfer que te permitirá subir el video directamente desde tu teléfono o computadora. Asegúrate de añadir tu nombre completo, club y equipo en el cuerpo del mensaje.
¡Cada semana anunciaremos a los ganadores/as de la semana previa! Mientras lo hacemos, serán presentados/as tanto en la plataforma de T@H como en las redes sociales de Rush Soccer, y nuestro staff los/as contactará para otorgar el premio.
¡Sigue entrenando! ¡No importa la lluvia, la nieve o el calor del verano!
This drill is designed to help you improve your ball control. This is a great drill to help you develop the ball control that will enable you to cut and change direction quickly. Goal: When you reach the point of being able to do whatever you want with the ball; you will have more fun playing the game.
Speed on your feet is something really important for a soccer player on and off the ball. In this work out we will challenge your speed. 7 exercises to perform as fast as you can. Are you the fastest FITTER player? Let us know! Have fun!
Rush Soccer has 11 core values. These core values are more than great words, are behaviors that we commit to and that we expect others to show as well. These are Respect, Unity, Safety, Humility, Tenacity, Empathy, Advice, Leadership, Enjoyment, Accountability, and my favorite Passion! Learn about Passion with this video and find them all in the word puzzle below!
And here we are! Last week of our program. Now is time to check how much you improved after working hard and consistently through these weeks. Go through the work out early in the week and finish strong by doing the fitness test. Let us know your results! We are looking forward to knowing how you did!
Are you ready? We are going to need your full attention! Concentrate, pay attention to the details and find the seven differences! Send us a screenshot and show us where they were! But hey! Shhhh… Don’t let the others know!