
Fútbol En General

RFCA 2020 Edición Navideña: ¡Conoce a Nicole Lukic!

Rush Soccer counts on numerous talented, brilliant female coaches and personalities, and we want you...

diciembre 24, 2020
Alianza de Entrenadoras de Rush: ¡Conoce a la Tenaz Christiane Lessa, de Georgia Rush!

Rush Soccer counts on numerous talented, brilliant female coaches and personalities, and we want you...

10 de septiembre de 2020
Alianza de Entrenadoras de Rush: ¡Conoce a la Maravillosa Antonia 'Toni' Land!

Rush Soccer counts on numerous talented, brilliant female coaches and personalities, and we want you...

junio 10, 2020
Alianza de Entrenadoras de Rush: ¡Conoce a la Legendaria Mercy Akide Udoh!

Rush Soccer counts on numerous talented, brilliant female coaches and personalities, and we want you...

marzo 10, 2020

This drill is designed to help you improve your ball control. This is a great drill to help you develop the ball control that will enable you to cut and change direction quickly. Goal: When you reach the point of being able to do whatever you want with the ball; you will have more fun playing the game.